Parking Studies

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What is Parksmart?

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Parksmart is the sustainability certification for parking facilities. Parksmart certification recognizes parking facilities that:

  • Reduce their environmental impact
  • Increase their energy efficiency and performance
  • Manage parking spaces efficiently
  • Encourage alternative mobility options
  • Strengthen community relationships

Certification is open to new and existing structured parking of all types, including commercial, university, municipal, hospital, retail, and hospitality. Facilities can be stand-alone, or part of a mixed-use building. Parksmart offers certification levels based on the number of points achieved. The certification program incorporates measurements across four categories: Management, Programs, Technology and Structure Design, and Innovation.

For more information on the Parksmart certification program, visit

*Federal, State, and Local codes govern most of these requirements and should be thoroughly investigated. Data presented herein should be considered guidelines only.  For more specific information and assistance with implementation of these guidelines, please contact THA Consulting, Inc. via email at


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